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Parish Missions

We are happy to meet each parish's needs.  Together we can formulate a parish mission schedule that is best for your parish, whether that is a three day mission or a one day mission.  Ideally, the mission would be with the whole family and consist of a meal, talks, Confessions and a Holy Hour.    


Sample Talks 

Amazing Love: Jesus the Bridegroom

Sean reflects on the nuptial theme throughout salvation history and calls his audience forth to love Jesus Christ and his Church deeply and to live like saints. 


Cana at Home

Sean and Stacy delve into Christ's first public miracle.  They will explore the Scripture passage and its implications including the Jewish roots. They encourage all to live out their vocation so as to prepare to marry the Bridegroom Christ. 


If you want family you have to be family

Sean and Stacy offer insights into their marriage and family and how they have raised a Catholic Family in an increasingly secular world.


What a gift and blessing!

Sean and Stacy talk about how the Lord blessed them with children.  They discuss the Church's teaching on periodic countenance and their personal experiences.  


Man Up and Guard Your Garden

Sean strives to answer what is the calling of a Christian man? And what do husbands & fathers need to do to safeguard and protect their wives and children?


Jesus: the True Vine

Sean dives into the meaning of wine used throughout Scriptures.  He discusses what does every person long for, and who can satisfy these deep desires of the human heart.


Lourdes: The Visions, The Message, The Experience

Sean speaks on the visions of St. Bernadette, his personal experiences in Lourdes, and the relevant messages today.


Holiness Never Decays

Stacy delves into the spiritual phenomena of the incorruptible saints.  She shares stories about the saints' lives and her experience of visiting some of the shrines. She encourages others to live out their own unique call to holiness. 


Virtues of Our Lady

Stacy explores the virtues of Our Blessed Mother and offers some practical tips for living these out. 


Angels and Us

This is one of Stacy's passions, talking about who we are and who angels are.  There is an entire invisible realm of spiritual beings with a mission.  She strives to help make others aware of these spiritual beings and ask for their help. 


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